Past Experience

Past Experiences

Past Experiences (4)

Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) is a State Corporation established under the Tourism Act 2011 whose objective and purpose is to promote the business of Meetings, Incentives travel, Conferences and Exhibitions also known as MICE. KICC is the largest Convention Centre in Eastern Africa with the capacity to hold a large number of delegates.



International Conference & Exhibitions with Cocktail, Luncheon, Dinner and Breakaways Meetings

  • Venue – KICC, Nairobi
  • Delegates – 5,000
  • Exhibitors - 80
  • Break Away Room – 14
  • Duration – 5 days


The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible. The WTO has over 160 members representing 98 per cent of world trade. The WTO's 10th Ministerial Conference was held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 15 to 19 December 2015. It culminated in the adoption of the "Nairobi Package", a series of six Ministerial Decisions on agriculture, cotton and issues related to least-developed countries (LDCs).

Our Roles:

  1. Conceptualize the execution of the events
  2. Hold brief on the various events as presented by the Ministry of Trade
  3. Participate in briefing meetings at the venue
  4. Designing floor plans and setups for the Main Opening Ceremony Hall, Break Away rooms, Luncheon hall, Cocktail area, Dinner venue and Closing ceremony Hall.
  5. Providing professional advice and raising any clarifications required from the brief of the event;
  6. Providing all Audio-Visual equipment in all 14 break-away rooms as were required for event as per the brief;
  7. Conceptualizing and providing event management services for all break away room’s meetings and setups;
  8. Preparing and presenting an events management plan for the execution of each event
  9. Undertaking dry-runs when required and updating signages;
  10. Executing the event as per approved event management plan.


WTO members concluded their Tenth Ministerial Conference in Nairobi on 19 December by securing a historic agreement on a series of trade initiatives. The “Nairobi Package” pays fitting tribute to the Conference host, Kenya, by delivering commitments that will benefit in particular the organization’s poorest members. Ministers also formally approved Afghanistan’s WTO membership terms at a special ceremony.




Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) is a State Corporation established under the Tourism Act 2011 whose objective and purpose is to promote the business of Meetings, Incentives travel, Conferences and Exhibitions also known as MICE. KICC is the largest Convention Centre in Eastern Africa with the capacity to hold a large number of delegates



International Conference & Exhibitions with Cocktail, Luncheon, Dinner and Breakaways Meetings

  • Venue – KICC, Nairobi
  • Delegates – 4,600
  • Exhibitors - 120
  • Break Away Room – 10
  • Duration – 3 days


HLM2 was hosted by the government of Kenya, and attended by more than 4,600 delegates from 157 countries including heads of state and government, ministers, parliamentarians and leaders from international organizations, business, civil society and foundations, participants attended seven plenary sessions, 10 Amphitheatre sessions, 57 side events and 120 exhibitions to:

  • Take stock of the implementation of the internationally-agreed development effectiveness principles and commitments
  • Provide a learning space on development effectiveness, showcasing successful examples
  • Identify innovative approaches to sustainable development that can be scaled up
  • Position the Global Partnership to effectively contribute to implementation of the SDGs and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda
  • Produce the Nairobi Outcome Document, charting a path forward for all development actors to realize their complementary contributions to implementing Agenda 2030 and realizing the SDGs

Our Roles:

  1. Conceptualize the execution of the events
  2. To hold brief on the various events as presented by the Ministry of Trade
  3. Participate in briefing meetings at the venue
  4. Designing floor plans and setups for the Main Opening Ceremony Hall, Break Away rooms, Luncheon hall, Cocktail area, Dinner venue and Closing ceremony Hall.
  5. Providing professional advice and raising any clarifications required from the brief of the event;
  6. Providing all Audio-Visual equipment as were required for event as per the brief;
  7. Conceptualizing and providing event management services for all room’s setups;
  8. Preparing and presenting an events management plan for the execution of each event
  9. Undertaking dry-runs when required and updating signages;
  10. Executing the event as per approved event management plan.


Based on an inclusive consultation that concluded in Kenya at the Global Partnership’s Second High-Level Meeting (HLM2), the Nairobi Outcome Document was released on 1 December 2016. This document helped to shape how all development stakeholders will partner to implement Agenda 2030 and realize the SDGs.


Sleek Sourcing Limited is an integrated marketing and Advertising company instituted by professionals seasoned with multiple years’ experience in training. As the Main contractor, the Experiential company outsources Unicore to Manage Venue Setups and Event coordination

PROJECT: The Sustainable Blue Economy Conference 2018


International Conference & Exhibitions with Cocktail, Luncheon, Dinner and Breakaways Meetings

  • Venue – KICC, Nairobi
  • Delegates – 18,000
  • Exhibitors - 60
  • Break Away Room – 12
  • Duration – 5 days


The Sustainable Blue Economy Conference was the first global conference on the sustainable blue economy. Over 18,000 participants from around the world came together to learn how to build a blue economy that:

  • Harnesses the potential of oceans, seas, lakes and rivers to improve the lives of all, particular ly people in developing states, women, youth and Indigenous peoples
  • Leverages the latest innovations, scientific advances and best practices to build prosperity while conserving the waters for future generation

Our Roles:

  1. Conceptualize the execution of the events
  2. To hold brief on the various events as presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  3. Participate in briefing meetings at the venue
  4. Participate/ accompany the Ministry staff on where advised;
  5. Designing floor plans and setups for the Main Opening Ceremony Hall, Break Away rooms, Luncheon hall, Cocktail area, Dinner venue and Closing ceremony Hall.
  6. Providing professional advice and raising any clarifications required from the brief of the event;
  7. Sourcing for all Audio-Visual equipment as were required for event as per the brief;
  8. Conceptualizing and providing event management services for all rooms setups;
  9. Preparing and presenting an events management plan for the execution of each event
  10. Undertaking dry-runs when required and updating signages;
  11.  Executing the event as per approved event management plan


The world rallied around the enormous pressures facing the oceans and waters, from plastic pollution to the impacts of climate change. At the same time, there was international recognition of the need to develop the waters in an inclusive and sustainable manner for the benefit of all. The Sustainable Blue Economy Conference built on the momentum of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris and the UN Ocean Conference 2017 “Call to Action”.
The conference was able to:

  • Identify how to harness the potential of the blue economy to create jobs and combat poverty and hunger
  • Show how economic development and healthy waters go hand in hand
  • Capture commitments and practical actions that can be taken
  • Bring together the players needed to transition to a blue economy


The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) is the regulatory authority for the communications sector in Kenya. Established in 1999 by the Kenya Information and Communications Act, 1998, the Authority is responsible for facilitating the development of the information and communications sectors including; broadcasting, cybersecurity, multimedia, telecommunications, electronic commerce, postal and courier services.

PROJECT: COMMUNICATION AUTHORITY - ICT consumer forum, popularly known as Kikao Kikuu


Conference & Exhibitions with Luncheon and Roadshows

  • Baringo County
  • 1500 Delegates
  • 40 Exhibitors
  • Roadshows
  • Luncheon
  • 2 Consecutive ICT Center Launch


As the ICT regulator, the Authority is charged with safeguarding the interests of consumers of ICT services. This is achieved through enforcement of consumer regulations as well as educating users of these services on their rights and responsibilities. One of the avenues is the County ICT consumer forum, popularly known as Kikao Kikuu. In this forum, the Authority is partnering with County Governments to host public forums that act as platforms of interaction between ICT consumers, the Authority, service providers and other stakeholders to discuss and explore solutions for communications challenges in the counties.


  1. To hold brief on the various events as presented by the Communications Authority of Kenya;
  2. Conceptualize the execution of the events
  3. Designate a CA Account manager, to be main liaison for management of all event.
  4. Participate in briefing meetings at the CA’s HQ Office on Waiyaki Way Westlands, Regional Offices and at the event venues, as was agreed upon
  5. Participate/ accompany the Authority staff to various preparatory meetings as required; eithe at CA’s HQ Office, regional offices or where advised;
  6. Providing professional advice and raising any clarifications required from the brief of the event;
  7. Sourcing for all items as were required for event as per the brief;
  8. Mobilizing participants for various events as detailed in brief;
  9. Conceptualizing and providing event management services as per brief;
  10. Preparing and presenting an events management plan for the execution of each event
  11. Undertaking dry-runs when required;
  12. Executing the event as per approved event management plan and writing a report as per predetermined format;
  13. Preparation and presentation of an outline of the event report
  14. Participating in evaluation meetings


Our solution was to create a Five-day event in one venue, addressing the needs and demands of all the different stakeholders involved.
The event was a huge success for CA, both internally for cementing their roles, structures, and externally – with business partners and customers both rating Connections as an excellent event. Over 1,500 consumers together with 500 invited delegates attended. Delegate feedback was especially complimentary about the new format of reaching the consumers comprising three information-packed days of keynote sessions, seminars, workshops, roadshowask-the-expert clinics and one-on-one sessions, combined with a structured networking environment and extensive exhibition and demonstration areas. Sponsorship and exhibition stand generated Ksh.840,000 of additional income, offsetting a major proportion of the overall costs. Exhibitors had an excellent event and reported high levels of interest in their products – so for all event stakeholders, the event was a great success.

About Us

Unicore Limited is your 1-stop specialized events company with a holistic and professional understanding of the events industry in today’s dynamic era.

Get In Touch

Unicore Limited | Rainbow Plaza, Mezz 1, Munae Rd, Opp National Museum of Kenya
+254 20 2011220 / +254 720 432 222
+254 716 201122 / +254 780 432 222


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